Tuesday, March 24, 2009


This shall be a 2 part blog.

Half way there:

I realize nobody reads my blog. That is totally fine with me. This week marks a half way point in my fund raising efforts for Team Rwanda. I have just crossed the half way point and realized that it is humbling to know people care enough to have given me over 1500 dollars toward my goal. People believe I can do my job and will financially back me. That really helps my confidence levels. I know I have another 1400 or so to raise, but it seems as if it is an accomplishable goal.

Second note:

My anxiety raised its ugly head last week. An issue at the school, although quickly squashed and resolved, really put a damper on my week. Its remarkable what children can say and do. I am thankful for my fellow staff members that reassured me of my abilities and honestly know my heart. It makes it hard however to really enjoy my job sometimes, because I feel like the second I get comfortable, there is something I need to resolve.

God is so good to me. Thank you, Lord for loving me and giving me a wonderful opportunity to work, learn, and grow.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think it matters how long you've been teaching--every good teacher has those things happen that causes him/her to question him/herself. Those events cause you to re-evaluate what you do and what ultimately makes you a better teacher. It's good that you can balance these positive and negative events. I haven't seen you, but I'm sure you're great in the classroom. I look forward to working with you in Rwanda. PS..check out the link love on my blog!
