Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sandals 1st John Email Study Responce

unedited, uncut version:
how real are we? this is not a challenge, this is my conviction. i mean seriously, how real are we? i know my sins. and I'm not afraid to tell you. its #1 Fear. #2 Pride #3 Lust. there you go. i know mine. now you know mine. why do i say this? because we Sandalittes are trying to be real with selves, others, and God. Now just knowing your core sins is a good start, but what do you do next? accept them or run from them? depart from the behavior. get out of the situation! if you struggle with drinking too much.. STOP DRINKING if you cant keep it in the boundaries with your significant other.. STAY IN PUBLIC. see my point? Those who struggle with telling the truth, I urge you to think before you speak and tell the truth as it is clearly identified in James. these verses guys, clearly identify us as sinners. the goal is to not sin any more, not to minimize it. not to occasionally sin, not to "its ok once in a while to have fun" sin, not "OK God, this is the last time I'm going to do it, i promise" sin. SIN NO MORE! I think this basically pulls the blanket back from over our heads when we are trying to hide from God. He knows our sin. I want to issue a charge to ourselves. take an inventory, evaluate your actions. find the problem, find a cure, whether it is a process of recovery, or a 180 degree turn from the behavior. My friend Matt responded to me and said that we also should ask ourselves, "do i love God more than i love this sin?" that one hurts. i love you all and i promise you, this is a goal i am and have set for myself. i encourage us to be blameless.

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